

由 U.I.J 小管家親自帶路,帶領初來乍到的你,認識旅館周邊最好逛的散步路線與文化故事。

1. 每週二到週日,房客於入住時間可享活動優惠加價購NT$250/位。(原價NT$300/位)
2. 內容包含旅館周邊人文景點、小店介紹與小管家推薦散步路線。
3. 時間為下午4:00開始,整段行程步行時間約需2小時(出發時間將依季節變換而有所微調,如有調整將另行通知)。
4. 此活動請至少提前三日預約,名額有限,額滿為止。
5. 出發日之前3日可免費取消,3日內取消活動報名將收取全額費用。
6. 此活動僅提供中文解說。
7. 12歲以下兒童參加須有家長同行,敬請於訂單中備註年齡,0~5歲兒童免費;6~11歲兒童NT$200/位;12歲(含)以上可同享房客優惠價NT$250/位。
9. 旅館保留活動修改及調整的權力。

■ 官網訂房+加購【小管家帶路】巷子內的散步路線:

■ 一般顧客(非住客):電洽 +886-6-2218188 或 來信

Guided by U.I.J Butler, we will personally show you the best walking routes and cultural stories around U.I.J as you arrive for the first time.

1. The Walking Tour is available from Tuesday to Sunday and could be purchased in advance: special offer NT$250 per person for U.I.J Hostel & Hotel guests (original price NT$300 per person).
2. Starting at 16:00, the duration of the Walking Tour is cost 2 hours at maximum, including visiting several Tainan spots and getting knowledge, stories from the tour.
3. Availability limited! Please make a reservation in advance, 3 days before the arrival day in U.I.J Hotel & Hostel.
It would be 100% charged if you don’t apply for the cancellation before 3 days ago.
5. The Walking Tour is in Mandarin only.
6. The Walking Tour is free of charge for under 6 years-old kids (not included), NT$200 per person for 6 to 12 years old, and NT$250 per person for more than 12 years old.
7. If this event can’t be conducted due to special factors, U.I.J has the right to decide to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend.
Hotel reserves the right to modify and adjust the event.

Sign up
■ Additional purchasing with the room booking:

■ General guest(non-U.I.J room guest):Please contact us with phone call (+886-6-2218188) or write an email (

由 U.I.J 小管家親自帶路,帶領初來乍到的你,認識旅館周邊最好逛的散步路線與文化故事。

1. 每週二到週日,房客於入住時間可享活動優惠加價購NT$250/位。(原價NT$300/位)
2. 內容包含旅館周邊人文景點、小店介紹與小管家推薦散步路線。
3. 時間為下午4:00開始,整段行程步行時間約需2小時(出發時間將依季節變換而有所微調,如有調整將另行通知)。
4. 此活動請至少提前三日預約,名額有限,額滿為止。
5. 出發日之前3日可免費取消,3日內取消活動報名將收取全額費用。
6. 此活動僅提供中文解說。
7. 12歲以下兒童參加須有家長同行,敬請於訂單中備註年齡,0~5歲兒童免費;6~11歲兒童NT$200/位;12歲(含)以上可同享房客優惠價NT$250/位。
9. 旅館保留活動修改及調整的權力。

■ 官網訂房+加購【小管家帶路】巷子內的散步路線:

■ 一般顧客(非住客):電洽 +886-6-2218188 或 來信

Guided by U.I.J Butler, we will personally show you the best walking routes and cultural stories around U.I.J as you arrive for the first time.

1. The Walking Tour is available from Tuesday to Sunday and could be purchased in advance: special offer NT$250 per person for U.I.J Hostel & Hotel guests (original price NT$300 per person).
2. Starting at 16:00, the duration of the Walking Tour is cost 2 hours at maximum, including visiting several Tainan spots and getting knowledge, stories from the tour.
3. Availability limited! Please make a reservation in advance, 3 days before the arrival day in U.I.J Hotel & Hostel.
It would be 100% charged if you don’t apply for the cancellation before 3 days ago.
5. The Walking Tour is in Mandarin only.
6. The Walking Tour is free of charge for under 6 years-old kids (not included), NT$200 per person for 6 to 12 years old, and NT$250 per person for more than 12 years old.
7. If this event can’t be conducted due to special factors, U.I.J has the right to decide to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend.
Hotel reserves the right to modify and adjust the event.

Sign up
■ Additional purchasing with the room booking:

■ General guest(non-U.I.J room guest):Please contact us with phone call (+886-6-2218188) or write an email (